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Newsletter April - June 2019

LMX: Splitview

In May/June Sensors and Software released the latest firmware update to their LMX200 (version 1.9) Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). One of the most dynamic features of the update has been the further integration of GPS data into the all new “split view” mode. The mode is well illustrated in the figure below.

Let’s dive in to see how it works and how this will revolutionise your work flow. The field of view is split into two images; on the left is the raw line (B-scan) data. It’s about 10m of data. It shows a vertical slice in the ground. Cylindrical reflectors (like pipes) will be shown as the distinct hyperbola targets. In this case the user has highlighted the target with a pink interp dot. This is pretty standard practice.

If we then look at the right-hand image, we can see the path the GPR travelled which is created using the GPS location. In the image the white line is the entire path of the LMX200. The yellow section of the line is the 10m sections of the path which is displayed as GPR data on the left hand side of the screen. The pink interp dot is shown in this yellow section as is the same as the one on the left image. This means one location of a pipe has been found and is shown with its geolocation.

The process of locating a buried pipe involves not just locating it once.  This would not give you the path of the pipe. Hence generally a pipe will be found multiple times to generate the path. This is the real key to the split view. You can see easily that the same pipe has been found 3 times on the GPS path and all three line up. This indicates that the pipe in question follows this path. In the upper part of the right-hand image we can see another potential pipe. We have overlaid the next image with the pipe direction. 

Split view is a significant improvement to the integration of GPR and GPS data which leads to many advantages including:

  • The path of the utility can be interpreted is a more time efficient manner and markings may not be needed
  • Reporting can be streamlined, to allow simple maps of utilities to be generate by the LMX and emailed directly from the machine using its wireless reporting capabilities LMX200 1

We are really excited about this recent development that is only available on the Sensors and Software LMX200. We would be happy to demonstrate it to any interested customers. Just call your local sales office for a demo today! 



Video: Reporting Features on the Proceq GPRimage

Proceq GPR Live Firmware update Version 3.4 was released at the beginning of June.

  • Improves the behaviour of tags, and the geolocation in the Logbook
  • Makes the order in which gestures flip between views consistent between Line Scan and Area Scan measurements
  • Increases the resolution of exported snapshots for improving reporting
  • Improves the colour-mapping of the non-migrated view

One feature that may have been missed by users in Version 3.3 earlier this year involves LTE-enabled iPads. This means that if a customer has an LTE-enabled iPad (iPad with mobile internet connection) they can share their screen over the internet, while doing the testing. So, a colleague or customer somewhere else can view what they are doing at the same time. Wi-Fi connection cannot be used for this because the Wi-Fi is used to connect to the GPR probe. 

Additionally, we get asked a bunch of question on the reporting for the Proceq GPR. We have put together a video which demonstrates how it can be done on the spot using your Ipad on the job.

3d scan



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