Packages for the PM8000 Cover Meter
The PM8000 Cover meter range includes the PM8000 Lite, PM8000 and PM8000 Pro. This article clarifies the functionality of each.
The PM8000 Cover meter range includes the PM8000 Lite, PM8000 and PM8000 Pro. This article clarifies the functionality of each.
Screening Eagle Technologies have released an update to Firmware version 1.30 for users of the MA8000 GNSS receiver.
Completing a cover survey for quality assurance of new structures is more than just checking cover in random locations, though depending upon the purpose of the survey that is an important part of the process. This article will discuss the process from system selection through to reporting, providing advice at each.
View a video tutorial on operation on the Theory and Practice of operating cover meters, and the particular operation requirements for the Profometer PM8000
A video webinar that focuses on the different NDT techniques that may be used to locate voids, defects, poor consolidation and delimitation within concrete elements.
Since its launch the GS8000's Proceq GPR Subsurface app has already received one major software upgrade to version 2.0 "Freedom", and has reached version 2.2 during the span of 2022.