Foundation Test Gauge

$ 0.00 AUD

The Foundation Test Gauge (FTG1) is a compact pile and shaft inspection tool utilising the Sonic Echo test method, otherwise known as the Pile Integrity Test (PIT).

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Sonic Echo (SE) investigations are performed to evaluate to integrity and determine the length of deep foundations. The test can also be performed on shallow wall structures.

The SE test can be performed on concrete, wooden and steel piles.

*Please note Tablet is not included


The applications for Sonic Echo tests are varied:

  • Structural investigations where foundation depth is unknown
  • Assessing the condition of foundations
  • Investigation of damage to foundations
  • Investigation of bulbs in foundations
  • Inclusion of soil or water in cast piles
  • Uncured or week concrete in cast piles

How it Works

In a test with the FTG1, the foundation top is struck by a hammer and the response of the foundation is monitored by an accelerometer.

A windows portable or tablet computer is used to collect the accelerometer output for interpretation.



Impact Source

1.4 kg non-instrumented hammer


Accelerometer, 100 mV/g


USB powered FTG device with built in phone plug and BNC connection

Test length range

< 0.6m to > 76m, depending on foundation diameter and geometry

Transducer mounting

Grease or dry

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AS 2159 - Appendix D
Piling - Design and installation Appendix D - Integrity Testing D3 - Pulse Echo Method
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ASTM D5882
Standard Test Method for Low Strain Impact Integrity Testing of Deep Foundations
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