Pundit Vision offers excellent visualisation and analysis of ultrasonic pulse-echo data, empowering inspections with the first of its kind capabilities.
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Consolidation, Voids and Delamination - Concrete NDT for Defects
A video webinar that focuses on the different NDT techniques that may be used to locate voids, defects, poor consolidation and delimitation within concrete elements.
Clarification on placement of steel for the reinforcement of concrete – Amendments to IC-DC-B80 (TS 01733.2) Specification D&C B80 Concrete Work for Bridges, Ed.3 Rev.6
Pundit Vision has been developed by the University of Kassel as InterSAFT and further advanced by Screening Eagle Technologies to fit the needs of the on-site concrete evaluation even better.
Expand your analysis and imaging capabilities for ultrasonic concrete screening technology
Import and reconstruct your data captured with the Pundit Live Array / Pundit PD8000 in 2D and 3D with advanced visualization features.
Get enhanced and definitive insights, thanks to advanced and extended capabilities of data manipulation and free choice of gathered datasets before processing and reconstruction
Move through the 3D reconstructed image slice by slice, inspecting the areas of concern in intricate detail and accuracy
Expand your analysis across multiple data sets, cutting-edge algorithms allow for simultaneous visualization, increasing the level of analysis insights and boosting your productivity
Combine your stripe scans or line scans and retrieve a grand overview of the on-site inspection job you performed
Combine your data for higher accuracy and precision of your investigation
Get additional and specific insights, and interpret your data with added confidence by identifying materials within the structure, thanks to capabilities of phase visualization and evaluation