Resonance Test Gauge

$ 0.00 AUD

The Resonance Test Gauge (RTG-1) is designed for lab use. Connected to the customer's Windows device for longitudinal, flexural and torsional resonance testing of concrete, rock, asphalt and masonry (cylinders, beams and cores).The system is operated with a user supplied Windows PC or tablet.

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Software and spreadsheet pair automatically to determine dynamic properties of Young´s modulus (E), Shear Modulus (G) and Poisson´s ratio.



  • Concrete
  • Stone & Rock
  • Masonry
  • Carbon & Graphite
  • Ceramics
  • Other Specimens


The RTG software automatically exports results to Olson's Calculations Spreadsheet that determines Young´s Modulus, Shear Modulus and Poisson´s ratio.

  • Real-time waveform display while testing
  • Switch between English and Metric units
  • Save results for later review
  • Automatic frequency calculation
  • Full user selection of gain and units
  • Automatic file naming feature

The RTG-1 system must be used with a Windows 7-10 device running Olson Instruments´ RTG software. The computer or tablet is supplied by the user.

  • Quick & Easy Set Up: uses sponge rubber mat instead of metal test frame (per ASTM C215)

Data Collection

A series of three tests must be taken longitudinal, transverse and torsional arrangements. The accelerometer is simply mounted to the test specimen by glue or grease and is then placed on the rubber pad. Then the unit is turned on and the specimen is then struck with the hammer and the results are recorded and saved for analysis.

Form Supplied

Included Equipment & Software

  • 2 oz. Spherical Head Hammer
  • Spatula for Adhesive Grease
  • RTG Device
  • Jump Drive with RTG Software
  • Adhesive Grease
  • Accelerometer
  • Microdot BNC Cable,
  • Mounting Block
  • Sponge Rubber Mat for Specimen Support

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