The Pundit PL 200 is a best-in-class Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test instrument with an extended range of measurement modes for use in the field.
Operation manual for the Pundit 200 PL Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test system
In addition to the standard pulse velocity measurement, various measurement modes including surface velocity measurement, Line Scan, Area Scan, Data Logging, compressive strength correlations, SONREB and E-modulus measurements.
An area scan grid can be freely defined by the user and the colour coded results can display either pulse velocity or depth variations on the structure to quickly identify areas of concern.
UPV measurements are commonly used to evaluate material properties such as consistency or strength, and to locate voiding or damage in beams, columns or walls. It is also used to measure the depths of cracking in concrete.
The pulse velocity in a material depends on its density and its elastic properties. These in turn are related to the quality and the strength of the material. The world renown Pundit range offers users a reliable and accurate method for determining the sonic properties of materials.
Measurement Modes
Area Scan
Area scans combine the distance, pulse velocity or transmission time measurement modes of the Pundit PL with a grid survey. Scan results are displayed as a contour map, with review of each measurement.
Line Scans
Assesses the concrete uniformity and detects cracks as well as other defects. The measured pulse velocities are displayed as a line which will change with thickness or where defects or cracks are located.
Pulse Velocity / Transmission Time / Distance
Calculates the pulse velocity of the material under test with zoom and scroll for precise A-Scan inspection. Supports an update rate of up to 25Hz.
Compressive Strength
Determines compressive concrete strength via Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity correlation, or by using SONREB which combined Schmidt hammer tests with UPV testing.
Crack Depth
Determines the depth of perpendicular cracks according to BS 1881. This measures surface velocity and compares changes with distance from the crack.
Surface Velocity
Improved surface velocity measuring. Determines surface velocity according to BS 1881.